Hello!!! We want to welcome you to our English blog. We would like to offer you different activities, videos or games we have found on the internet, so you can play with your child at home, and review the vocabulary and grammar they are learning at school. Learning a foreign language is easier through playing, and new technologies can help them, because it is a fun and great way to learn English. We hope you enjoy these activities as much as your child does, and help you as parents to use different tools to help your child with this language. You can also comment with any concerns you have or if you like or dislike any activity. Thank you and we hope you have fun playing the games and singing the songs with your child!

También utilizaremos este blog para haceros llegar recursos y actividades de Ciencias Sociales, Lengua, Matemáticas, Religión y E. Física.

Esperamos que os sean útiles y que los disfrutéis. ¡No os perdáis nada!

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

1º EP Unit 7 LESSON 4

Good morning!,
Remember what day was yesterday and what day will be tomorrow!!
What's the weather like today?
What do you think the temperature is?

Today we're going to learn different ways of transport we can use, not only in town.
Hoy vamos a aprender cuáles son los diferentes medios de transporte que podemos utilizar. 

First of all, check this video to learn the vocabulary. Please repeat the words as if we were in class. 
Primero, mira este vídeo para aprender el vocabulario. Por favor, repite las palabras como si estuviéramos en clase.  

After you've learnt the vocabulary, check this other video that we have prepared for you to learn numbers from 1 to 20. Are you ready? Let's go! Don't forget to repeat! 
Una vez hayas aprendido el vocabulario, mira este otro vídeo que hemos preparado para que puedas aprender los números del 1 al 20. ¿Estás list@? ¡Vamos allá! ¡No te olvides de repetir!
Here's another video, try to do the gestures!
Aquí tenéis otro vídeo, ¡intentad hacer los gestos!  

We hope these videos were useful. 
Esperamos que los vídeos os hayan resultado útiles. 








Here also you have a wordsearch to print and find all the transports studied! (OPCIONAL)