Hello!!! We want to welcome you to our English blog. We would like to offer you different activities, videos or games we have found on the internet, so you can play with your child at home, and review the vocabulary and grammar they are learning at school. Learning a foreign language is easier through playing, and new technologies can help them, because it is a fun and great way to learn English. We hope you enjoy these activities as much as your child does, and help you as parents to use different tools to help your child with this language. You can also comment with any concerns you have or if you like or dislike any activity. Thank you and we hope you have fun playing the games and singing the songs with your child!

También utilizaremos este blog para haceros llegar recursos y actividades de Ciencias Sociales, Lengua, Matemáticas, Religión y E. Física.

Esperamos que os sean útiles y que los disfrutéis. ¡No os perdáis nada!

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

2º Natural Science. PLANT REPRODUCTION + Padlet

Good morning everyone!!

Are you ready for today's lesson?

As you know, many plants produce seed inside their flowers.

Do you know that we can use seeds to plant fruits and vegetables or eat them? 

(Como sabes, muchas plantas producen semillas en el interior de sus flores. ¿Sabes que podemos usar esas semillas para plantar nuevas frutos y vegetales o comérnoslas? Hoy veremos la diferencia entre la flor, el fruto y la semilla)

Today we'll see the differences among a flower, a fruit and a seed.

Video: Flower, fruit and seed https://youtu.be/tEUqPtvBsbU


  • Natural Science Book Page 57

You can post in this Padlet your worksheet or other drawings with your findings of fruits' seeds you have at home. 

You can plant your own seeds, take care of them and see if the grow!

(Puedes subir a este muro la ficha de la pág 53 o algún dibujo analizando las semillas de las frutas y vegetales que tengas en casa. También puedes plantar tus semillas, cuidarlas y ver si crecen)

Hecho con Padlet