Hello!!! We want to welcome you to our English blog. We would like to offer you different activities, videos or games we have found on the internet, so you can play with your child at home, and review the vocabulary and grammar they are learning at school. Learning a foreign language is easier through playing, and new technologies can help them, because it is a fun and great way to learn English. We hope you enjoy these activities as much as your child does, and help you as parents to use different tools to help your child with this language. You can also comment with any concerns you have or if you like or dislike any activity. Thank you and we hope you have fun playing the games and singing the songs with your child!

También utilizaremos este blog para haceros llegar recursos y actividades de Ciencias Sociales, Lengua, Matemáticas, Religión y E. Física.

Esperamos que os sean útiles y que los disfrutéis. ¡No os perdáis nada!

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

2ºEP. Natural science. SOLUTIONS + New unit

Hi everyone!

Here you have the solutions of all the activities of the unit.


We are sure you did great!


Today we are going to start our new and last unit: DISCOVER PLANTS!

We’re sure that you remember lots of things from the previous year, for example the difference among trees, grasses and bushes or that there are some plants that we can eat (ex: tomatoes) but other ones aren’t edible (ex: roses).

(Estamos seguras de que recordáis muchísimas cosas del año pasado cuando visteis las plantas, por ejemplo la diferencia entre árboles, arbustos y hierbas o que hay algunas plantas que se pueden comer (por ej.:tomate) pero otras no son comestibles (por ej.: rosas)

Let’s watch a video to refresh our knowledge!

After having watched this video, you can do this online worksheet to check if you remember all of their characteristics. (It’s a self-correcting worksheet, when you click on “Terminado” choose "Comprobar mis resultados" to see your results)

(Después de haber visto este video resumen, podéis hacer esta ficha online para comprobar que os acordáis de todo. (Es autocorregible, no necesitas enviar nada, solo hacerla en el ordenador. Cuando pulses “Terminado” , pincha en "Comprobar mis resultados" y verás los resultados)

Then open your book on page 51 and 52 and do the activities.

Here you have all the unit’s audios, as well as a letter for your parents and the wordlist of the unit too.

(Después abre tu libro y haz las páginas 51 y 52. Os dejamos los links a los audios, la letra de la canción, así como de una breve explicación para casa junto con la lista de vocabulario del tema.)


  • Natural Science Book Page 51
