Hello!!! We want to welcome you to our English blog. We would like to offer you different activities, videos or games we have found on the internet, so you can play with your child at home, and review the vocabulary and grammar they are learning at school. Learning a foreign language is easier through playing, and new technologies can help them, because it is a fun and great way to learn English. We hope you enjoy these activities as much as your child does, and help you as parents to use different tools to help your child with this language. You can also comment with any concerns you have or if you like or dislike any activity. Thank you and we hope you have fun playing the games and singing the songs with your child!

También utilizaremos este blog para haceros llegar recursos y actividades de Ciencias Sociales, Lengua, Matemáticas, Religión y E. Física.

Esperamos que os sean útiles y que los disfrutéis. ¡No os perdáis nada!

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

MAIEKA'S FAREWELL - See you next year!

Hello everybody!
Next Friday will be Maiekah's last working day. Even though she will continue working in our school in the upcoming school year, we wanted to do something to show her our love and gratitude for her help and all she has taught us during this year. Also, we know that the situation we are experiencing is not easy if you are apart from your family and friends and we want to support her through a simple gesture. 

For that reason, we have created a digital wall where you can upload a photo of a dedicated drawing or a comment thanking her labor. It is very important that you don't forget writing your name and the class you belong to! 

This is a VOLUNTARY activity, we will be grateful if you could upload your files on the 12th of June the latest. 

Thank you so much in advance for your collaboration and participation in this initiative.

¡Hola a todos! 
El próximo viernes será el último día de  trabajo para Maiekah, nuestra increíble auxiliar de conversación. Aunque ella seguirá trabajando con nosotros el próximo curso, nos gustaría tener un detalle para demostrarle nuestro cariño y agradecimiento por todo lo que nos ha enseñado y ayudado durante este curso. Sabemos que vivir una situación como esta lejos de la familia y amigos no es fácil y queremos arroparla con este pequeño gesto. 

Por ello, hemos creado este tablón digital al que podéis subir una foto de un dibujo dedicado o un comentario agradeciendo su labor. ¡¡Es muy importante que no olvidéis escribir vuestro nombre y la clase a la que pertenecéis!!

Se trata de una actividad VOLUNTARIA, agradeceríamos que publicarais vuestras fotografías, videos o comentarios antes del viernes 12 de Junio. 

Muchas gracias de antemano por vuestra colaboración y participación en esta iniciativa. 

Hecho con Padlet